
Open-Ended Funds Managed by Third-Party Partners

Longchamp AM offers selected foreign Asset Managers access to European institutional investors. In this context, Longhamp AM intervenes in the monitoring, structuring and distribution of funds, while delegating the investment management to our selected partners. As a result, we have developed a recognized expertise in Asian Equities through our partnership with Dalton Investments.

A Privileged Partner: Dalton Investments

Since its creation, Longchamp AM has worked alongside Dalton Investments (“Dalton”), supporting their efforts in promoting Asian equity strategies to European investors.

Dalton Investments

Dalton was co-founded in 1999 by James B. Rosenwald III, a seasoned investor influenced by Ben Graham’s value investment philosophy. With a registered office in Las Vegas, Nevada and subsidiaries in Los Angeles, Tokyo, Mumbai, Hong Kong and Sydney, Dalton manages approximately USD 4.4 billion (as of 31 March 2024). Dalton’s on-the-ground pan-Asia research team provides in-depth market analysis across the region. Dalton seeks to invest with corporate managers who are heavily invested in their companies’ shares and are willing to share the upside with minority investors. Likewise, Dalton’s investment professionals align their interests with the firm’s investors by investing a significant portion of their compensation in the funds they manage. Dalton is a signatory to the PRI and Climate Action 100+ initiative.